About Cristale Story

Hi! My name is Priscilla and I am the owner of Cristale Story. Welcome!

How it all started?

I was gifted a Rose Quartz bracelet when I was younger. At that time, I had no idea that was a crystal. All I knew was that I loved wearing it and it made me feel pretty! I wore it everyday and loved it to bits. Eventually the string broke and I stopped wearing it. Guess what? I still kept it till this date!

Fast forward to many years later. My friend was randomly talking about the crystals she had purchased. Out of curiosity, I did some research and also started purchasing some crystals based on the benefits I THOUGHT I needed. So of course I did not feel it working! It was only when I truly knew how to work with the crystals that I felt the connection with them.

Crystals have helped me through some of the toughest period of my life and my biggest goal is to share the energy, joy and hope that I have received from the crystals to all of you who need them. Besides that, crystals are absolutely beautiful and it gives me so much joy to work with them.

I am so happy to have met each and every one of you. Every order means a lot to me. Thank you in advance for supporting my small business.

xo Priscilla